Moschino Pink Bouquet - Edt Spray


Introducing Moschino Pink Bouquet - Edt Spray, a vibrant and enchanting fragrance tailored for the spirited young woman. Unveiled in 2012, this eau de toilette is a celebration of your youthful charm, capturing the essence of your lively personality. The heart of Pink Bouquet is a delightful blend of pineapple...


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Introducing Moschino Pink Bouquet - Edt Spray, a vibrant and enchanting fragrance tailored for the spirited young woman. Unveiled in 2012, this eau de toilette is a celebration of your youthful charm, capturing the essence of your lively personality.

The heart of Pink Bouquet is a delightful blend of pineapple and raspberry, creating a sweet and fruity aroma that is both captivating and full of energy. Perfect for daytime wear, the fragrance takes a refreshing turn with the infusion of jasmine and lily-of-the-valley, offering a floral experience that is invigorating and uplifting.

To add an extra layer of sophistication, Pink Bouquet incorporates notes of bergamot, providing a crisp and appealing undertone. This carefully crafted combination results in a fragrance that is not only intoxicating but also exudes a bright and glamorous aura.

Designed to evoke femininity, Moschino Pink Bouquet - Edt Spray is the perfect accessory for your casual or fashionable look. Whether you're heading out for a day of fun or a night on the town, let the alluring scent of Pink Bouquet accompany you, leaving a lasting impression that mirrors your vibrant and confident spirit.